Lippitt/Knoster Change Model – useful dive into change theory

Studying up on Lippitt / Knoster change models I learned about from Construx videos. Steve McConnell of course being one of the greatest software development thought leaders is the presenter. Interesting how these change theories are baked into some of the Agile frameworks and mindsets like the SAFe / Agile Manifesto. As a coach, theseContinue reading “Lippitt/Knoster Change Model – useful dive into change theory”

Jem D’jelal: Are recruiters too dumb to learn agile?

Reblogged with permission from Jem D’jelal, the original author of this content, as a contributor to Originally published on LinkedIn December 15, 2016.  Jem D’jelal Coaching individuals & teams to find “better” ways of working. You can be the judge of that. Because we REALLY put that question to the test.

Focus on family with an Agile mindset and Scrum.

Focus on family with an Agile mindset and Scrum. I read a parenting article a few months ago about family dinner table discussions with your kids. It was great stuff. The recommendations centered around three questions. 1. What was the favorite part of your day? 2. What was the least favorite part of your day?Continue reading “Focus on family with an Agile mindset and Scrum.”