I&A Series – “As a member of the leadership team we need to see the portfolio roadmap with early warning signals / input for potential technical or schedule issues”

I started a new series of posts where I will answer some actual problems/ideas presented in an I&A problem solving workshop as part of open space facilitation. This is the second of a few dozen that I plan on covering. If you have any comments, please, let’s learn together.   Problem/Idea #2:   “As a member ofContinue reading “I&A Series – “As a member of the leadership team we need to see the portfolio roadmap with early warning signals / input for potential technical or schedule issues””

The Agile End Game 

And the Agile Game of Thrones continues, a self-defining and destructive process where no people or processes or frameworks win. Everyone loses. The Agile End Game. Next time can we do it TOGETHER? Or, perhaps we should work on common ground now to defeat the enemies that so called “Agilists” claim to challenge?

Truths about the SAFe

S_Fe is not Agile. S_Fe is not even Scrum. – Mike Beedle In response to Mike Beedle on LinkedIn. Mike is wrong about the SAFe of course. And not just because of his childish method of attack. Facts, evidence, experiments, my experience and dozens of business case studies back up the experiments of the SAFe. Mike soundsContinue reading “Truths about the SAFe”

Lippitt/Knoster Change Model – useful dive into change theory

Studying up on Lippitt / Knoster change models I learned about from Construx videos. Steve McConnell of course being one of the greatest software development thought leaders is the presenter. Interesting how these change theories are baked into some of the Agile frameworks and mindsets like the SAFe / Agile Manifesto. As a coach, theseContinue reading “Lippitt/Knoster Change Model – useful dive into change theory”