Customer Service matters – Balsamiq

An exemplar of amazing customer service happened to me today. Anna M. from Balsamiq (Mockups) was professional, courteous, and responsive in solving my licensing problem with a smile! We should stop the machine occasionally and recognize people that are doing things right! Thank you Anna! #balsamiq #customerservice #thanks #mockups

The Scrum Song – vlog – Coaching Tip #9

Lot’s of instructors will tell you about the common escape clause for Scrum, “Scrum Is Simple but Not Easy.” I read another article that makes a much more valid point, “Scrum is easy, people are hard.” The latter diving into how people learn and more importantly, how they change. Or not. Any two-day course isContinue reading “The Scrum Song – vlog – Coaching Tip #9”

Agile Moment: Lego Serious play for Teams Sim

During the Lego Serious play for Teams Sim this week one of the teams decided they were a component team supporting the rest of the ART. Do you think the experiment worked?

Vlog – Coaching Tip #7 – Proxy Leadership

Interesting conversation in the latest orgmindset podcast with Alex and Andrew. In this Coaching Tip I expand on a topic they discussed regarding organizational anti-patterns. *my coaching videos are unscripted and unedited. Apologies for my ugly mug. This particular video was done in one take. Some, I’ve redone a few times because I said somethingContinue reading “Vlog – Coaching Tip #7 – Proxy Leadership”

WSJ: What My Son With Autism Taught Me About Managing People

This article contains a profound insight into cognitive bias’ that I feel is worth a read. Reblogged in part as a quote from The Wall Street Journal. By Alexandra Samuel Feb. 16, 2018 4:01 p.m. ET I like to think I was a considerate colleague when I worked in an office. I paid attention to cultural andContinue reading “WSJ: What My Son With Autism Taught Me About Managing People”