Huawei says it’s a ‘victim of bullying by the US’

I have worked with Huawei and other Chinese companies in the past. There is a thread of truth in the accusations from the US Government.


Source: Huawei says it’s a ‘victim of bullying by the US’

12 reasons why digital transformations fail | CIO

Not a bad list.

Lack of CEO sponsorship, talent deficiency, resistance to change ā€” if youā€™ve encountered any of the following issues, you may want to rethink your digital transformation before it grinds to a halt.

Source: 12 reasons why digital transformations fail | CIO

Cross-functional teams: A new strategy for business success | CIO

Mainstreaming now after all this time?

With business-IT collaboration key to digital transformation, forward-thinking IT leaders are breaking down silos to develop blended startup-like teams focused on key business initiatives.

Source: Cross-functional teams: A new strategy for business success | CIO

Extremists and the hate SAFe machine

September 2019 trolls update

It seems that hate and jealously knows no bounds with some people. They simply cannot practice what they preach and be respectful, therefore diminishing any rational argument they would make. Here are a few new in the cast of characters that troll the SAFe with misrepresentations and outright hateful comments.

This was a random post from Alex.
Murali responds with this comment to a post from Scaled Agile at the SAFe Summit.

The problem with trolls

I updated the title of the article. I have observed a pattern over the past year or so of Scrum Alliance aligned folks like Certified Scrum Trainers (CST) and other certified Scrum folks writing articles and posts of varying degrees of criticism from valid debates over ideas (rare) to mostly disparaging misrepresentations, to openly hostile, to outright extremist comments like the picture above. I changed the article title to properly address not all CST’s. The original title was meant to address the pattern observed by many people in the industry of several unnamed CST’s making hateful comments about SAFe and the people behind the SAFe.

Remember, hate comes in many forms. All of it is bad, and unacceptable. I’ve lost count of the number of people that I have known, loved, and like that have died or suffered from cancer (and parasites). Attributing those words to the good people behind the SAFe is absolutely abhorrent, evil behavior. The picture above is just the latest attack. So, I apologize for the original generalization.

There are also two parts to this article. The first part addresses the hateful opening comment from Alexey. The second challenges the misrepresentations of the SAFe. These are separate discussions. Debating ideas is necessary. We should not ever accept hateful words or behavior.

Why bother?

Let me start by explaining why I even bother debating with hateful people in the first place. Because we must confront evil in the world. Yes, at its root this is evil, misguided behavior. If we want to move ideas forward to innovation they must be challenged in a respectful, professional manner.

Anyone that starts out a conversation by saying you or your thing is a “cancer and parasite” isn’t actually looking for conversation. They are being hateful and are probably ignorant on the topic of debate. If this were a political topic then perhaps the bad behavior could be expected because it has been normalized for millennia. Does it make it right? Emphatically, no.

I find it disturbing that extremists and their ilk who are supposedly exemplars for the Agile Manifesto and values of Scrum openly display behavior that is antithetical to the Agile Manifesto and Scrum. After all, “RESPECT” is a value of Scrum. And the manifesto has a clear purpose, “We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it.

Continue reading “Extremists and the hate SAFe machine”

Microsoft’s return to its nerdy roots is good news for developers – TechRepublic

Well, only a few decades late…

Microsoft spent years trying to be cool and failed. Now that Microsoft is content to be nerdy, with the most impressive developer tooling around, it’s a real contender in the cloud.

Source: Microsoft’s return to its nerdy roots is good news for developers – TechRepublic