Vlog – Coaching tip #4

For the love of all that is good in this world, please use your blinkers. Peace be with you, regardless. 🙂 ​​

Agile moment: Some characteristics of a high performance Lean-Agile team

Thinking this morning about a conversation I had yesterday at happy hour with several truly impressive human beings. Some characteristics of a high performance Lean-Agile team: no longer needs a scrum master or lean agile leader uses the best of Scrum as an empirical framework for an amazingly lean sustainable flow process also uses principlesContinue reading “Agile moment: Some characteristics of a high performance Lean-Agile team”

Agile Moment: Transitioning resources to “Lean-Agile” teams in SAFe / Scrum

Just in from the blogagility.com laboratory… Preface One of the many challenges faced by coaches in a Lean-Agile transformation is convincing resource owners/managers to relinquish the “control” part of command & control (see Capt. David Marquet on “Greatness”) to people & teams for the purposes of –self-organization & self-management. Or as I prefer to describeContinue reading “Agile Moment: Transitioning resources to “Lean-Agile” teams in SAFe / Scrum”

I&A Series – “Outside team interference and noise; unnecessary outside team involvement”

I started a new series of posts where I will answer some actual problems/ideas presented in an I&A problem solving workshop as part of open space facilitation. This is the third of a few dozen that I plan on covering. If you have any comments, please, let’s learn together. Problem/Idea #3: “Outside team interference and noise; unnecessaryContinue reading “I&A Series – “Outside team interference and noise; unnecessary outside team involvement””

Lego product development simulation game

Enhancing the understanding process by simulation of cadence and ceremonies. A very valuable teaching technique. Still experimenting with how to effectively integrate into various courses. #SAFe #Scrum #Agile #Lean

Adrian Lander: The Agile Guru – Not!

Reblogged with permission from Adrian Lander, the original author of this content. Originally published on LinkedIn, August 6, 2017. The Agile Guru – Not! I was in shock, the other day. Really. Yes, me getting shocked, after so many years in practice, hardly a believable start of a real story. But it really happened, in frontContinue reading “Adrian Lander: The Agile Guru – Not!”