Vlog – Coaching tip #4

For the love of all that is good in this world, please use your blinkers. Peace be with you, regardless. 🙂 ​​

Agile moment: Some characteristics of a high performance Lean-Agile team

Thinking this morning about a conversation I had yesterday at happy hour with several truly impressive human beings. Some characteristics of a high performance Lean-Agile team: no longer needs a scrum master or lean agile leader uses the best of Scrum as an empirical framework for an amazingly lean sustainable flow process also uses principlesContinue reading “Agile moment: Some characteristics of a high performance Lean-Agile team”

Jem Djelal & Tobias Mayer: Episode 1: Why do ScrumMasters feel pressure to be an agile coach?

The vlog competitions have begun. Agile vlog LEARNING starts here at blogagility.com! 🙂 Great work guys. Love the topic. Interesting, the barriers humans build.

Lego Serious Play Build Example

This is from a course on September 20-21, 2017. That thing in the red circle is the second iteration of three outcome of the “Autonomous Drone Ambulance / Medical Transport” product the team decided to build for their simulation. Very creative! It was decent when finished. I forgot to get a pic, apologies. I haveContinue reading “Lego Serious Play Build Example”

Agile Moment: Transitioning resources to “Lean-Agile” teams in SAFe / Scrum

Just in from the blogagility.com laboratory… Preface One of the many challenges faced by coaches in a Lean-Agile transformation is convincing resource owners/managers to relinquish the “control” part of command & control (see Capt. David Marquet on “Greatness”) to people & teams for the purposes of –self-organization & self-management. Or as I prefer to describeContinue reading “Agile Moment: Transitioning resources to “Lean-Agile” teams in SAFe / Scrum”

Reblogged: Joseph Hurtado – Beyond DevOps: Bringing Agile to the Enterprise. Why SAFe and Kanban are Leading the Way.

Originally posted on Joseph Hurtado.org:
“Companies rarely die from moving too fast, and they frequently die from moving too slowly.” Reed Hastings, Netflix In the last 3 years, Agile has leaped beyond Software Development & IT to find receptive ears in the offices of important CEOs and their management teams. This time unlike what…