I&A Series – “Outside team interference and noise; unnecessary outside team involvement”

I started a new series of posts where I will answer some actual problems/ideas presented in an I&A problem solving workshop as part of open space facilitation. This is the third of a few dozen that I plan on covering. If you have any comments, please, let’s learn together. Problem/Idea #3: “Outside team interference and noise; unnecessaryContinue reading “I&A Series – “Outside team interference and noise; unnecessary outside team involvement””

Lego product development simulation game

Enhancing the understanding process by simulation of cadence and ceremonies. A very valuable teaching technique. Still experimenting with how to effectively integrate into various courses. #SAFe #Scrum #Agile #Lean

Tushar Paunikar: You Always Have A Choice!!!

Reblogged with permission from Tushar Paunikar, the original author of this content, as a contributor to blogagility.com. Originally published on LinkedIn August 3, 2017.   You always have a choice! If you think about it, you always have a choice. No matter how hard it is to accept, but you always have a choice. TheContinue reading “Tushar Paunikar: You Always Have A Choice!!!”

Tushar Paunikar: Agile and the KRA Conundrum

Reblogged with permission from Tushar Paunikar, the original author of this content, as a contributor to blogagility.com. Originally published on LinkedIn, November 22, 2016.   Life can be pulled by goals just as surely as it can be pushed by drives. -Viktor E. Frankl Metrics drive behavior. I bet all would agree. We have experiencedContinue reading “Tushar Paunikar: Agile and the KRA Conundrum”

Srinivas Garapati: The Agile, Framework, and the challenges.

Reblogged with permission from Srinivas Garapati, the original author of this content, as a contributor to blogagility.com. Originally published on LinkedIn, June 28, 2017. Introduction Scrum and other agile frameworks may be easy to understand, yet prove extremely challenging to implement – especially in any large organizational environment. Why is that so? The following metaphorContinue reading “Srinivas Garapati: The Agile, Framework, and the challenges.”

Michael Küsters: There are no true Scrum teams

Reblogged with permission from Michael Küsters, the original author of this content. Originally published on LinkedIn, August 5, 2017. This article is a discussion about what Scrum is – and what it isn’t. When discussing with zealous Scrum evangelists, the most common rhethoric is the “No true Scotsman” fallacy – otherwise known as “shifting goalposts”.Continue reading “Michael Küsters: There are no true Scrum teams”