The amazing CFD, visualizing your workflow; Little’s Law

The Laws and the rules Little’s law “The average number of work items in a stable system is equal to their average completion rate, multiplied by their average time in the system.” ~ John Little, 1961 “A Proof for the Queuing Formula” by Little, J. D. C. (1961)

Vlog – Coaching tip #4

For the love of all that is good in this world, please use your blinkers. Peace be with you, regardless. 🙂 ​​

Agile moment: Some characteristics of a high performance Lean-Agile team

Thinking this morning about a conversation I had yesterday at happy hour with several truly impressive human beings. Some characteristics of a high performance Lean-Agile team: no longer needs a scrum master or lean agile leader uses the best of Scrum as an empirical framework for an amazingly lean sustainable flow process also uses principlesContinue reading “Agile moment: Some characteristics of a high performance Lean-Agile team”

Agile Moment: The Triangulation Technique

Sizing Challenges If you are a coach, scrum master or team having trouble with sizing your user stories and consequently estimation of effort and collaboration in story points (volume, knowledge, complexity, uncertainty, dependencies, risk) try out the triangulation technique. This technique also works for no-estimate teams operating in non-enterprise environments. Additionally, teams that experience significantContinue reading “Agile Moment: The Triangulation Technique”

VLOG – Relative cadence Coaching Tip #3 – Story point craziness and the Triangulation Technique

The third coaching tip vlog. I know I’m not regular. But I do have to learn and practice some time! I’ve almost no feedback so far. I also need ideas to focus on. Lots of stuff I cover as a practitioner doesn’t fit in 2-3 minutes or I can’t talk about it. Appreciated, friends.