The Scrum Song – vlog – Coaching Tip #9

Lot’s of instructors will tell you about the common escape clause for Scrum, “Scrum Is Simple but Not Easy.” I read another article that makes a much more valid point, “Scrum is easy, people are hard.” The latter diving into how people learn and more importantly, how they change. Or not. Any two-day course isContinue reading “The Scrum Song – vlog – Coaching Tip #9”

Vlog – Coaching tip #4

For the love of all that is good in this world, please use your blinkers. Peace be with you, regardless. 🙂 ​​

I&A Series – “Outside team interference and noise; unnecessary outside team involvement”

I started a new series of posts where I will answer some actual problems/ideas presented in an I&A problem solving workshop as part of open space facilitation. This is the third of a few dozen that I plan on covering. If you have any comments, please, let’s learn together. Problem/Idea #3: “Outside team interference and noise; unnecessaryContinue reading “I&A Series – “Outside team interference and noise; unnecessary outside team involvement””

Lego product development simulation game

Enhancing the understanding process by simulation of cadence and ceremonies. A very valuable teaching technique. Still experimenting with how to effectively integrate into various courses. #SAFe #Scrum #Agile #Lean

Jem D’jelal: What’s your 800 pound agile Gorilla?

Reblogged with permission from Jem D’jelal, the original author of this content, as a contributor to Originally published on LinkedIn March 28, 2017.  Jem D’jelal Coaching individuals & teams to find “better” ways of working.   I know you have one. You know, that “thing” you have strong feelings about. It’s something which is unjust,Continue reading “Jem D’jelal: What’s your 800 pound agile Gorilla?”