Agile Moment: I’m not impressed by your tools

A thought from a thread that Al S. started. A craftsman knows how to use the right tool applied to the appropriate task. My grandfather was a master carpenter. He built hundreds of homes and also furniture and renovations. He possessed a garage full of all kinds of tools and hardware. Even many of aContinue reading “Agile Moment: I’m not impressed by your tools”

Perception of Value in a CAS

The decision-making process itself must be adaptive to common contexts and uses for the object being valued. Otherwise, we risk oversimplifying the value of business features, or we could miss complexities that drive context based value that would have affected the origin decision.

The Scrum Song – vlog – Coaching Tip #9

Lot’s of instructors will tell you about the common escape clause for Scrum, “Scrum Is Simple but Not Easy.” I read another article that makes a much more valid point, “Scrum is easy, people are hard.” The latter diving into how people learn and more importantly, how they change. Or not. Any two-day course isContinue reading “The Scrum Song – vlog – Coaching Tip #9”

How to PI System Demo like a rock star

SAFe® The Evidence Series #1 Check out the amazing things that high performance, motivated teams can do. This is business agility and Lean-Agile culture at its best. The transformation of my client’s organization is amazing. We are using Lean, Agile, Scrum, Kanban (and systems thinking), SAFe®, OrgMindset®, and other tools to inspire and persuade aContinue reading “How to PI System Demo like a rock star”

The Cost of Change

“Every time we let Brent fix something that none of us can replicate, Brent gets a little smarter, and the entire system gets dumber.” – The Phoenix Project And yet organizations continue using this fallacious hero PERSON OR TEAM mental model filled with poor assumptions and more than a few negative biases. Why? Because itContinue reading “The Cost of Change”