The Scrum Song – vlog – Coaching Tip #9

Lot’s of instructors will tell you about the common escape clause for Scrum, “Scrum Is Simple but Not Easy.” I read another article that makes a much more valid point, “Scrum is easy, people are hard.” The latter diving into how people learn and more importantly, how they change. Or not. Any two-day course isContinue reading “The Scrum Song – vlog – Coaching Tip #9”

Agile Moment: Lego Serious play for Teams Sim

During the Lego Serious play for Teams Sim this week one of the teams decided they were a component team supporting the rest of the ART. Do you think the experiment worked?

Vlog – Coaching Tip #7 – Proxy Leadership

Interesting conversation in the latest orgmindset podcast with Alex and Andrew. In this Coaching Tip I expand on a topic they discussed regarding organizational anti-patterns. *my coaching videos are unscripted and unedited. Apologies for my ugly mug. This particular video was done in one take. Some, I’ve redone a few times because I said somethingContinue reading “Vlog – Coaching Tip #7 – Proxy Leadership”

SAFe® Epic + Capabilities Board An example of a physical SAFe® Epic + Capabilities Board

My client has been working hard to implement the Lean Portfolio Management functions of the Scaled Agile Framework. Part of that process is to identify value streams flowing through the organization and begin the process of identifying the work that is on the streams. The value streams were identified well over a year ago. TheContinue reading “SAFe® Epic + Capabilities Board An example of a physical SAFe® Epic + Capabilities Board”

Agile Moment: New SAFe planned business value tool for business owners…

I was just having a bit of fun this morning, but perhaps there is some way to enhance our learning? From my original LinkedIn post. “Business Value Bowling” everyone is ten pins and one frame away from accurately assessing business value at the end of the PI! #SAFe #SAFeSummit #havingfunonmonday